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What is mechanical sludge dewatering?


Sludge dewatering is the practice of minimizing waste by volume to prepare for its effective disposal. Sludge originates during the process of treating wastewater before the water can be released back into the environment. Long presenting a challenge for the water treatment industry, sludge is the by-product extracted from the slurry during the process of industrial or municipal wastewater treatment. Dewatering the sludge with dewatering methods significantly reduces its weight and its volume before disposal.

Sludge Dewatering Benefits

Waste Volume Reduction

Because sludge dewatering focuses on weight and volume reduction to minimize waste disposal costs, as the name of the method implies, water removal is the principal means to reduce volume before the sludge by-product can be economically disposed of.

Reduced Transportation Costs

Managing sludge can be a costly business. Dry, high solids cakes mean lower costs. The use of dewatering equipment is an effective tool for managing sludge accumulation, reducing both transportation costs and storage expenses.

Consistent Cake Dryness with a Lower Risk of Spilling/Leaking

The use of mechanical sludge dewatering produces consistent cake dryness. The dry, high solids cakes not only mean lower transport costs but also provide a lower risk of spilling/leaking onto the roads. This is a major issue, particularly when trucking through residential areas.

Wastewater Recycling

Recycling wastewater is another benefit of sludge dewatering. Once the treated water from sludge dewatering is free of hazards and contaminants, it can be reclaimed by industries and communities. Though water is typically non-potable, it still has many applications. Steam-powered plants are one good example of using reclaimed water for the benefit of a company or community.

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